Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Long Haul

Travel can be daunting at thr best of times. The trip to Jeju, Korea is no exception. Up at 3am to drive to the airport, eleven hours in the air, three hour transition time that includes a 50 minute train trip, a second one hour flight topped off by the obligatory terrifying taxi ride leaves one tired and exhausted.

However when one is three years old, whose lifespan provides very little reference to time meant the time coouped up in a tin can must have been an eternity. Our two little troopers coped amazingly.

To meeting our INKAS contact Racchel as introduced, but her Korean name is Eunjin. She and Amelie have taken to each other marvelously. Amelie seems to accumulate big sisters anywhere she goes. Eunjin made the transition and finding our way to the hotel incredibly easy for international travel. What luxury.

Mrs Lee and Johnny met us at Gimpo. What a relief to see a familiar face. She is so full of energy and especially helpful in assisiting Liz get her bags out of the taxi. A few moments frantically lsearching for liz's backpack found the said article in her hand the whole time. What does travel do to our minds.

All that matters now is We're Here.

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